Fulton, New York
The Pastor's Page

Rev. Ruth Rosa Warner
From the Pastor
February is Here!
A new month has begun, yet our God remains in control of it all! Great news!!!
Thanks so much for collaborating in ministry as a Church sharing the “Prayer Buddies”! We still have a bunch in the Sanctuary pews awaiting to be shared with friends and loved ones. I personally have delighted in seeing how much joy they bring to others and pray we continue to pass them on! Donations can be placed in the cloth hampers (in church Narthex).
Hope you are ready to indulge in chocolate and in Jesus’ teachings this month! Themes like “Good Deeds for Admiration? No, Thank You!”; “Love Your Enemies, No Exceptions!”; “Set Your Heart on Heavenly Treasures!” and “Humble Yourself and He Will Lift You Up!” will be some of the topics for Sunday worship. Please, plan to join us with a friend in person or online!
Our Monday, Wednesday & Friday Facebook Devotions this month will be based on the Bible and on Ron Hutchcraft’s book entitled “A Life That Matters”. Follow me or watch at church webpage: First United Methodist Church of Fulton
Be aware that we are planning a Chili Cook Off for Sunday, February 16. Please, let Carolyn Mosier know if you would like to bring Chili or a side dish to share!
Other fellowship and growth opportunities include:
New Members 5 Session Class Tuesdays at 2 pm in person or via Zoom
Bible Study called “What the Bible Teaches” Thursdays at 5 pm also in person or via Zoom. Please, call the office for details as classes begin the first week in February!
Couples’ Night with Pastor Ruth and Dan the Last Friday of the month Sign-up sheet at Welcome Center (A day to get a sitter and get ready for a fun date night with your spouse)
You and your family are important to us at the Fulton First UMC. Your unique personality and qualities are wonderful and You Are Loved. Hope to see you soon! May the Lord continue to bless and keep you.
Pastor Ruth R. Warner
