Fulton, New York
Our Worship Service

The Church Sanctuary
Here is a brief run-down of a typical worship service at the First United Methodist Church of Fulton. Services change to meet the occasion; and sometimes we have guests who speak or perform special music. Worship is also a bit different when communion or baptisms are held, or when we have special ceremonies which do such things as welcome new church members.
Throughout the course of the year, worship changes to mark special events. We have guests lead worship or offer unique worship experiences. Other guests come to perfrom music or dance. Each summer, Vacation Bible School "takes over" the church, and the walls are filled with the exuberant song and dance of our youth.
Worship is always fresh and meaningful. Come join us and see!
Gathering/Prelude @ 9:30:
During this time it is usual to have inspirational music played as people greet each other and make their way into the church sanctuary to prepare for worship while announcements are shown on the church's worship screen.

Words of Welcome @ 9:45:
Worship begins with the ringing of our church bell and some welcoming words from our pastor or the person leading our worship service.
Call to Worship
During this time, the congregation sings the first hymn of the day, while the acolytes bring the Light of Christ into the church sanctuary. Passing the Peace is also done at this time.
The Morning Prayer:

Presented by our pastor or a guest.
The Morning Anthem:

Sung by the Choir.

Children's Time:
A special sermon/message presented for the young people of the church. It may be light. It may be serious. It is always inspirational. After Children's time, children may either go back and sit in the congrgation or attend Children's Chuch, which starts at approximately 10:15.

During this time, the pastor and members of the congregation share announcements, ministries, joys and information with everyone.

The Scripture Reading and Reflection (Sermon/Message) is usually presented by our pastor or a special guest who leads us in worship.
Scripture Reading & Sunday Reflection:

Hymn of Affirmation/Benediction:
The final song of the Worship Service is sung and the Benediction is pronounced, sending us out into the world to do the Lord's work.
A final piece, played by the organist, which ends the Worship Service as everyone leaves.
The Postlude:
From Sunday to Sunday, worship can be changed to accommodate Baptisms, Confirmations, Communion, and the welcoming of new members -- to name a few things. Services are often tailored to include special musical guests and performances. In short, no two services are the same. The only common thread in each services is that they are all interesting, meaningful, and moving.
Fellowship Hour (Coffee Hour) 11:00 am - Noon:
Immediately following our worship service, there is a time of gathering in our church's Fellowship Hall. We like to call this time our "Fellowship Hour," but most people just refer to it as "Coffee Time" or Coffee Hour.
During this time, friends gather for food, refreshments, and casual chat. People get to know one another and enjoy some very tasty snacks (sometimes enough food for an entire meal is generously shared).
Fellowship Hour is all part of our warm and friendly atmosphere -- and the snacks are pretty good, too!