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Crop Walk

CROP Hunger Walks are community fundraising events sponsored by Church World Service (CWS), an international relief, development, and refugee resettlement agency.  Money raised by CROP Hunger Walks nationwide is used by CWS to provide food, medical care, disaster relief, and self-help development for needy people around the world.

How Funds Are Used Locally

Up to 25% of the money raised in our CROP Hunger Walk is distributed to local hunger-alleviating agencies in Fulton area..  These are the agencies chosen by the local CROP Hunger Walk Planning Team to receive funds this year:






                                       Dexterville Community Services

                                       Oswego County Catholic Charities

                                       Salvation Army in Fulton


Ways to Participate

There are many ways you can participate in the Hunger Walk:


  • Walk the 5 K or Golden Mile  route

  • Support a Walker with a generous donation

  • Use the online CROP Walker option

  • Be a Spirit Walker – raise funds though unable to Walk

  • Be a volunteer helper on Walk Day

  • Serve on the Organizing Committee for the Walk

  • Recruit and promote the Walk in your church or group

  • Pray for the CROP Hunger Walk and for the poor and hungry. 


For more information, speak with your church recruiter or contact  CROP Walk spokesperson, Lois Mirabito at 593-2731 or


Join Us!

To participate in the CROP Hunger Walk, contact your church or service organization.  The recruiter there will provide you with a Donation Envelope and additional information.  Ask family, friends and group members to support you with a generous donation.




Fulton CROP Hunger Walk has two routes available for walkers. One is the Golden Mile which will go from the Fulton Municipal Building south to Broadway, east  to South Second, north to Oneida St. west to South First

Street and south back to the Municipal Building.


The second choice is 5 Kilometer walk  which will go from Fulton Municipal Building north to Oneida St., west to W.3rd  St., north to Fulton Ave,, west to S.7th St, south to Worth St., east  to W. Fourth St.,south to W. 

 Broadway, east  across bridge to S. First St., north back to the  Municipal Building.

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